I had a fabulous time meeting up with Todd and Vicki
at the Logan Temple the morning of their sealing.
They were super fun to work with and their love for
each other is pure and sweet.
The Love Story of Todd & Vicki
It all started back in 2012 in the month of July,
Corvetteboy sent a flirt and greeneyedvic replied.
E-mailing back and forth went on for a week or so,
Then we started texting and talking on the phone.
We had a hard time getting our schedules to match,
Work, Josh & Kendra's wedding and a Hansen reunion bash
The first time we met ~ his birthday was the next day,
I put a lighted cndle in a diet bar and sang anyway.
A few days later, we finally had our first date,
We went to Church and everyone treated him great.
Joanie, Brother Butler and Bishop Anderson too,
Came and shook his hand and said it's great to meet you!
Just 24 days later on a relaxing drive to Bear Lake,
Todd got down on one knee and asked my hand to take.
He was on his knee for quite a while, asking for permission,
People walking by wondered if he was having a heart condition.
We decided a very unique day like 12.12.12 would be,
A great way for neither of us to forget our anniversary.
We got married in the church with our family and friends,
And drove off into the sunset to the Anniversary Inn.
It is now two years later and a happy family we will be,
When we can be sealed in the Logan Temple for all eternity.
We would love to have you there to share our special day,
We are keeping the theme of 12's, what can I say.
Our date is set for 12.12.14 in the special sealing room
In the Logan Temple ~ what time you ask ~ why Noon!
Please be there by 11:30 all dressed in your Sunday best,
A special man, Keith Jorgensen will handle the rest.
Please meet us after; we would love to have you celebrate,
At the Bluebird for some apple pie, a sundae or chocolate cake.
We can spend some time catching up on all that is new.
Thank you for being in our lives and know we love you!
1 comment:
These are incredible, Lisa!
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