Friday, March 11, 2011

SOAR! Photography Exercise #1: Doing the Deeper Work

The SOAR Photography Exercise #1 is about doing the deeper work.  Here's what Me Ra Koh instructed us to do: "The first SOAR! Photography Exercise is a Self Portrait Photography Exercise. You will take TWO Self Portraits. One image will have you in the photo. The second one will be an object that symbolizes you. Both Self Portraits are meant to document where you are in your journey of life. When you think about this present season of life–this monumental moment in your journey of being committed to SOAR!, being on your way to become a successful photographer…How do you feel? Are you excited, afraid, alone? What colors are you wearing? If we saw your true insides, what would they look like right now? What object would symbolize this time in life? What angle would you shoot it from and why?"

Here I am.  I applied for the SOAR! Scholarship for the past two years.  I was not chosen as a SOAR Scholarship recipient.  Last year, I followed the SOAR! Blog and was totally jealous of the three women that won.  I wished I was in their shoes, working hard, going to workshops, doing photo shoots, getting business coaching, building their photography business.  I did a couple of the SOAR! exercises but then my excitement for completing the SOAR assignments fizzled out once my baby girl was born in May.  Taking care of my family of five is so much work.  I knew that taking care of my family was the most important thing to do at that time.  But 2011 is a new year.  A year for SOARing.  My baby is more independent now, my oldest child is in all day kindergarten, and my 3 year old is so photogenic.  Good things come to those who wait, right?!  I am completely on board to challenge myself, to study, to retain the information I learn about the technicalities of my camera, and to come to know myself and how I want to run my photography business.    

So, this year I am studying as hard as I can.  I am facing challenges head on and that is why I chose to shoot this image head on.  I feel excited.  I feel energized.  I tend to wear brighter colors now.  I feel my personality creeping in to the way that I photograph and how I interact with others.  I am proud of myself and all of the leaps I have made already.  I feel more patient, more fun to be around, and more confident.  On top of all of that, I have big plans for this year.  Do you want to know what my plans are?  Well sheesh!  Do you thing I'm going to tell you everything right now?  No way.  You'll have to follow along.  I'll be sure to post my progress on this very blog.  Join me.  Encourage me.  I love comments!  

Here is the object that symbolizes me at this time in my life:
A sponge.  It's not just any sponge, but a sponge so full of soap and water that there is a continuous stream of water coming out.  I think of the sponge as my brain and the water as the information I have learned over the course of my life.  I have soaked up so much information, especially on the subject of photography, that the information is now spilling out in forms of success.  I have placed photography as a high priority in my life.  I have studied different aspects of photography and now feel all the studying is paying off.  I am starting to feel more confident behind the camera and that I can work on getting more creative shots instead of worrying about the technical side of photography.   The soap represents an eraser, to erase the unnecessary things cluttering up my thoughts, my energy, and my enthusiasm.  I am working on creating a daily routine that will allow me to be more productive.  I want to have a daily two hour block that I dedicate to photography.  When that two hour block is clearly defined, it will allow me to see that two hour block as sacred and to not allow other aspects of my life to interrupt that time.  I'm also filling my life with my favorite things.  I'm taking note of how I feel after certain activities, television shows, even how my surroundings affect my thoughts and attitude.  And I am taking mental notes of how the relationships I have with others can be improved.  The soap reminds me to prioritize my life.      

Please let me know what you think of my first assignment.  Comments are greatly appreciated.  Thanks! 


ali anderson said...

lisa! i don't even know where to start - there is SO MUCH good stuff in this post. i LOVE that you are so observant of what makes you feel successful and gives you momentum. i LOVE that you are being so intentional with your journey this year - the fact that you're blocking time out of your day for this is serious stuff. GOOD! i am following you, girl. you're inspiring me!

Nicky Peterson said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow Lisa! Great job on this assignment!! Love your two self portraits!

I struggle with getting a schedule / workflow!!

Can't wait to follow along with your journey!!

Monica said...

I love your sponge analogy. I know you are already a great photographer and will someday rise to the top!

Unknown said...

Good for you, Lisa. The hardest part about running your own business is showing up. Keep that block of time. Remember: housework waits.

Love the sepia self portrait. Found it interesting that you're wearing bright colors, but shooting yourself in b&w!

Janette said...

Lisa I love your self protrait photography choices. The one of you studing shows that you are focused. The other one of the spoung shows your desire to soak up as much as possible and inspire others through bringing fresh clean ideas to light. Best wishes to you with your adventures in the realm of photography.

Fife Photography said...

you can do it!! :) :) amber

Fife Photography said...

so i spent soooo much time on your blog, and loved everything. You shine through... your truest self, and that is just beautiful. That is what will carry you to soar. I am inspired and uplifted; a better person from what i read. Thank you, thank you. I look forward to 2011 from where you go.