Friday, February 25, 2011

SOAR! Teleconference with Me Ra and The Wisdom Connection

Here are my notes from the Teleconference that was back on February 18th:

SET BOUNDARIES - Don't surf the internet after 10PM looking at other photography blogs.  It makes you feel discouraged.

THE FIRST STEP.  Each woman that submitted a SOAR! application video came out of the dark and let the world know of their dream... to have a photography business of their own.

The SECOND STEP.  Don't put all of your effort in building your photography business into the wee hours of the night.  Let your kids see the ups and downs of you building your dreams.  God is going to give you a vision of your dream.  Hard days come.  Don't second guess yourself.  Believe and tell your kids what your dream is.  An idea is to hire a babysitter for 4 hours a week twice a week.  There is no shame in that.

ME RA's ASSIGNMENT:  Write a paragraph that answers the question:  What does it mean to shoot like a woman/ approach the camera like a woman?  Email your answers to

Here's what I wrote for Me Ra's assignment:
"As a woman, my mind seems to be racing of all the things I have to accomplish in my day.  So when I want to stop and take a photo, I pick up my camera and my mind switches gears to thinking:
-Where is the light coming from?  
- I then change the white balance.
- I meter off my hand.
- I take the picture quick before I loose "the moment."
- I cross my fingers hoping that the pictured turned out.
It gets overwhelming to remember what is most important in taking a photo.  I want to get to the point where I've mastered the camera settings, especially manual mode, and that I can work on getting more creative photos."   - Lisa Ward

* Side note:  Follow the SOAR! blog and leave the 3 Soar Scholarship Recipients comments on the blog. 

Wendy Zippwald is the SOAR! Coordinator and a photographer.  Check out Wendy's photography website/blog.

SOAR! Weekly Events on the Soarority Forum
These events are meant to empower and encourage women.

Ask and Learn with a Professional Photographer- 1st Thursday of every month from 6-8pm MST.
* You can email Wendy Zippwald if you'd like to suggest a photographer.

Images for Inspiration- 2nd Week of Each Month. We will have a new category for you to post images to inspire others. If you can, please include your photo recipe, including ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, and Lens used.

Ask and Learn with a Previous SOAR! Applicant or Confidence Workshop Attendee-  3rd Thursday of every month from 6-8pm MST.
Monthly Photography Exercise- Due the last Tuesday of Every Month. This is where you will post your monthly SOAR! photography exercise results. (The exercise that the SOAR! Recipients do during the second week on the SOAR! blog.) Two to Three will be Critiqued by Pros!

Christine Baker created an very detailed video on the Soarority Forum that tells how to navigate the forum.

Notes from Karen Buckley of The Wisdom Connection:

TIME TO REFLECT.  Notice your breath.  Look out to December 31, 2011.  Imagine your heart feeling full and satisfied because you fulfilled your business dream.  Here are some questions I'd like you to answer: (I pushed 1 on my phone to "raise my hand" and answer the questions out loud on the teleconference.  It was fun to share my answers.  My answers are italicized below.)

#1 What is one step you can take this year towards your business dream?  I am planning on taking Brooke Snow's Advanced Pro Photography online class this year... most likely in the fall.

#2 What is one way I can hold myself back this year?  I can hold myself back this year by continuing to view other photography blogs late at night.  I get somewhat discouraged at looking at other's professional photographs, but I try to stay positive and realize that I too can capture great photos with more practice and more education in photography.

#3  What is one phrase that you can say to yourself to help you stay encouraged this year?  I've been reading Julia Cameron's book, "The Artist Way."  In the book, my favorite affirmation that I read and will now say to encourage myself this year is: "As I create, I will be led."


All in Perspective said...

you are awesome!!!

Billie Mitchell said...

Thanks for sharing all of this information Lisa! How awesome of you to take the time to type it up and share with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Wow Lisa, thanks for summerizing and capturing all of this to share with us!